Saturday, March 28, 2009

More showing off of our little guy! :)

We can't believe Joseph is officially one month old today (found out today at the doctor that they consider 30 days to be one month!). So I guess it's time to show off some more pictures of him...Brian put together a beautiful movie (that I have already watched over and over again) from the pictures and video after my water first broke to our first day at home with JP. Enjoy!

P.S. Make sure you watch this with the volume turned up!


  1. that is so sweet~something to cherish forever!

  2. Absolutely adorable! Belated congrats, you two!

    May I ask, what is that song playing in the background?

  3. Artist: Sufjan Stevens
    Title: The Predatory Wasp of The Palisades is Out To Get

    Thanks for the compliments!

  4. too cute! you guys are too cool for school

  5. I love it!! Thanks for sharing!!
