Saturday, March 28, 2009

More showing off of our little guy! :)

We can't believe Joseph is officially one month old today (found out today at the doctor that they consider 30 days to be one month!). So I guess it's time to show off some more pictures of him...Brian put together a beautiful movie (that I have already watched over and over again) from the pictures and video after my water first broke to our first day at home with JP. Enjoy!

P.S. Make sure you watch this with the volume turned up!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Athena and David's e-session

Athena and David's engagement session was actually on March 1st but I am just now posting it because my water broke only a few hours after we left them--and our baby was born the next morning! I still can't believe we did a photo shoot the day before I gave birth.

Anyways, Athena and David chose two locations very special to them for their e-pics. The first, Franklin Park Conservatory, which is where David proposed. And the second was Sawmill Lanes in Dublin because they first met when they joined the same bowling team. We had a fabulous time with them and are really excited about how their pictures turned out!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Lincoln came into the studio last weekend for his 1-year-old pictures! He was an absolute ham, posing and smiling for Brian as soon as we put him in front of the camera...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Brian and I were surprised to welcome our son, Joseph Patrick, into the world a couple weeks early!  My water broke at home last Sunday and Joseph was born the following morning, March 2nd, at 10:07am.  He was born at a healthy 6 lbs 3 oz, and 20 inches long.  I've been enjoying being at home with him while I recover and the first thing Brian does when he gets home from work is scoop him out of his crib and hold him for most of the night.  

JP is 9 days old today, of course we have already taken tons of pictures...the poor kid is surely going to hate cameras soon enough.  :)  Here are a few of our little cutie...

JP getting weighed in (yes, we've already nicknamed him JP, although we go back and forth between that and Joseph).

Brian and I after being up all night, we hadn't slept in in a looong time!

Proud first time grandparents (my parents).

Proud first time grandparents...of a boy!

JP at 26 hours old.

JP came home in his "future Buckeye" outfit--we never could have guessed he would be so small! He will not be wearing this again until he gains a few pounds. :)

JP's proud cousins, they were really excited we were having a boy!

A couple pictures at home...